Minutes of October 11, 2022 for KBBC Board of Directors Meeting
Larry Vecchio (President)
Melissa O’Connell (Vice-President)
Dolores Rilho (Secretary)
Mayor Collette Kennedy
Councilwoman Delia Sosa McDermott
Joseph Merla
Ann Boyce
Donnie Blanks
Douglas Weider
Yulia Kravchin
Craig Parker
Joseph Manfredi (Attorney)
JoAnne Colonnello (Treasurer)
Meeting commenced at 6:30 pm ET
Sunshine Law notice read by Joseph Manfredi
Roll call with names present/not present above
Approval of July and August 2022 Minutes
Motion by Melissa O’Connell to approve the KBBC minutes for the months of July and August.
All members present vote in favor. Mayor Collette Kennedy, Ann Boyce, and Craig Parker
abstain. The motion passes.
Public Session
Motion by Ann Boyce to open the meeting to public session. All members present vote in favor.
The motion passes and the public session is opened.
Donna Purcell expresses her concerns relating to the parking lot not being finished. The board
states the borough is responsible for funding the updated repairs.
Motion by Ann Boyce to close the public session. Seconded by Melissa O’Connell. All members
present vote in favor, no abstentions. The motion passes and the public session is closed.
President’s Report
Larry Vecchio discusses proposals for the previous year’s audit.
Motion by Joseph Merla to approve Polcari to complete the previous years KBBC audit.
Seconded by Melissa O’Connell. Roll Call. All present members vote in favor. The motion
Larry Vecchio proposes hiring Jenn from “Hear Here” as a consultant to fill job duties relating to
an admin position.
Motion by Joseph Merla to hire Jenn based upon the proposed terms. Seconded by Melissa
O’Connell. Roll Call. Mayor Collette Kennedy votes no. Delia Sosa McDermott abstains. All other
present members vote in favor. The motion passes.
Treasures Report
Motion by Melissa O’Connell to approve payment of bills to Nicole Gangino and Joseph
Manfredi. Seconded by Joseph Merla. Roll Call. All present members vote in favor. The motion
New Business
The board discusses the Christmas tree lighting and decorations.
The board discusses other KBBC events.
Motion by Larry Vecchio to secure a back-up vendor for the Christmas tree lighting. Seconded
by Dolores Rilho. Roll Call. All present members vote in favor. The motion passes.
Larry Vecchio discusses the election and electronic voting.
Motion by Joseph Merla to allocate up to $500 for electronic voting. Seconded by Mayor
Collette Kennedy. Roll Call. All present members vote in favor. The motion passes.
Motion by Mayor Collette Kennedy to hire Joseph Manfredi’s firm to handle the election.
Seconded by Melissa O’Connell. Roll Call. All present members vote in favor. The motion
Public Session
Motion by Melissa O’Connell and seconded by Larry Vecchio to open the meeting to public
session. All members present vote in favor. The motion passes and the public session is opened.
Donna Purcell questions the board about Christmas tree storage.
Jenn from “Hear Here” shares feedback relating to the Taste of Keyport event. She states one
issue lies in there not being enough garbage bins provided. Additionally, Jenn expresses
concerns about a lack of police presence at the event.
Motion by Melissa O’Connell to close the public session. All members present vote in favor, no
abstentions. The motion passes and the public session is closed.
Motion to adjourn the meeting. All members present vote in favor. The motion passes. The
meeting is adjourned.